Squatting is a popular exercise that targets the muscles in the legs, lower back, and core. It can help people strengthen their muscles and burn fat. However, performing a squat without learning the proper form can cause injury. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 💡Other videos you’ll love!: 🎥Watch: 12 Best Foods For Muscle Building and Strength https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Ni4Q7NOMkM&list=PLhpfClNWMTBINEi1W5I7hwGsoUsMq_Baw&ab_channel=BodyHub 🎥Watch: 12 Cheap Foods That Are High In Protein https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KI3DYIUrQI4&list=PLhpfClNWMTBINEi1W5I7hwGsoUsMq_Baw&index=7&ab_channel=BodyHub ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In a nutshell: Squatting is a popular exercise that targets the muscles in the legs, lower back, and core. It can help people strengthen their muscles and burn fat. A wide range of cardiovascular and strength exercises can help people improve their overall health and fitness. Each type of exercise targets specific muscle groups to strengthen them and improve flexibility or prevent injury. 2. Bend the knees to push the hips backward, keeping the back straight and the torso upright. 3. Once the knees reach a 90-degree angle or lower, push back up through the feet to straighten the legs. 4. straightening the back and keeping the torso upright during the squat The prime movers in the squat are the muscles around the hips and knees, but all joints below the belly button (hip, knee, ankle, foot) and most of the spine need both stability and mobility to squat properly. Muscles around the hips help stabilize the pelvis and knees during squats. If someone lacks hip mobility, they will often lean forward too much when squatting (stressing the spine). After all, the squat is a leg-focused movement that requires your major lower-body muscles to work in tandem. Here`s the list of the main leg muscles bolstered by the squat. 1. Glutes: Combined, the gluteus maximus and medius make up the largest muscle in the human body, responsible for a large portion of our power production. You can strengthen the glutes by squatting — which is important considering that stronger glutes aid in lower body strength and stability. Simply put: you don`t always need to squat heavy to build mass, but you do need to squat in the full range of motion. These muscles help us move faster (through plantar flexion), improve ankle stability, and support proper lower extremity mechanics. Strong calves also increase our ankle strength and improve our ability to generate and absorb power through the ground when jumping, lifting, and running. Also, squatting can put our calves through more ranges of motion than static calf exercises can. One study concluded that limitations in plantar flexion (pushing your toes into the floor during squats) led to knee valgus, a common issue in which the knees collapse inwards, resulting in excessive stress at the knee joint. Squats improve our ability to jump. Since we`re strengthening all of the lower extremities, we`re increasing our ability to produce power (stronger and better-conditioned muscle equals better power output). Deep full squats improve vertical jump by increasing the ability to develop force. Improved Core Strength When you`re holding weight and moving through multiple planes of motion, the body must work hard to remain stable and not fall over. To support hundreds of pounds on your shoulders and then perform a deep squat takes guts and confidence. You won`t gain power by ignoring the largest part of your body, aka, the lower extremities (legs). squats improve your ability to, well, squat. Repeatedly performing squats train your joints to move through Squats through multiple planes of motion. And adding weight to your squats over time will result in strength at both the bottom and top of a squat. Since the squat strengthens multiple large muscle groups at once and requires ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe to Body Hub!: https://goo.gl/nJ8d6r #Squats ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ℹ️ Medical Disclaimer: https://pastebin.com/s0cHYHvf ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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